16 sure all the windows are locked a take b have c wait d make

0        Where are you from?
A I’m France.               B I’m from France.               C French.               D I’m French.

1        How old are you?
A I have 16.               B I am 16.                C I have 16 years.               D I am 16 years.

2        Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice.            B Yes, I’m having it.             C Yes, I am.             D Yes, it is.

3        Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there.             B I don’t know.             C Help yourself.            D Here you are.

4        Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on               B in               C by               D with

5        Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted               B said               C made               D talked

6        Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment.         B It’s David Parker.         C I’ll call you back.        D Speaking.

7        They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry               B hot               C lazy               D tired

8        Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road               B way               C direction               D street

9        __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have               B Do               C Should               D Did

10        — Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.
— I’ve __________ done it!

A yet               B still               C already               D even

11        You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some               B a food               C many               D anything

12        What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea!             B Twice a month.             C It’s Star Wars.             D I think so.

13        — What would you like, Sue?
— I’d like the same __________ Michael please.

A that               B as               C for                       D had

14        __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few               B Little               C Least               D A little

15        It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure               B certain               C safe               D problem

16        __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take               B Have               C Wait               D Make

17        I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see               B look               C try               D tell

18        What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from               B with               C for               D between

19        My car needs __________ .
A repairing               B to repair               C to be repair               D repair

20        Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried               B shy               C selfish               D polite

21        I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when               B for                C during               D since

22        Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that               B what               C which               D why

23        I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not               B don’t have to               C are not allowed to               D can’t be

24        Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart               B unless               C however               D except

25        Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having               B laughing               C making               D joking

26        Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left               B missing               C put               D staying

27        Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right                B as far as                C along               D heading north

28        I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result               B way               C conclusion               D solution

29        Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course!          B Never mind.          C If you don’t mind.         D It doesn’t matter.

30        In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under               B against               C over                       D beyond

31        Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off               B put back               C turn down               D get away

32        Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose               B fancy               C suspect               D accuse

33        When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers               B recalls               C rethinks               D reminds

34        The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed               B smashed               C ground               D pressed

35        Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow               B permit               C accept               D let

36        If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t                B didn’t               C hadn’t               D haven’t

37        I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense               B manner               C way               D impression

38        These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical               B functional               C realistic               D active

39        __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several               B Much               C Enough                D Sufficient

40        We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote               B applied               C enquired               D requested

41        The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched               B struck               C rubbed               D scraped

42        Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had               B have               C having               D has

43        Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though               B however               C despite               D as

44        ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
A by               B with               C for               D on

45        You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would               B had               C should               D did

46        This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected               B required               C obliged               D supposed

47        Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent               B avoid               C refuse               D forbid

48        When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on               B takes up               C sets out               D brings about

49        __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A At the time               B Eventually               C Once               D Finally

50        Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t               B mustn’t               C wouldn’t               D needn’t

51        __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However               B What               C Whatever               D No matter

52        Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see               B deal                C ensure               D get

53        A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm               B heated               C hot               D boiling

54        I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular               B individual               C single               D one

55        The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly               B deeply               C great               D heavily

56        He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true               B good               C right               D honest

57        There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation               B attention               C broadcasting               D coverage

58        If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick               B steer               C stop               D stand

59        Turning back now is out of the __________ .
A agenda               B matter               C question               D possibility

60        Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems               B leads               C starts               D flows

Placement Test                6

0        Where are you from?
A I’m France.               B I’m from France.               C French.               D I’m French.

1        How old are you?
A I have 16.               B I am 16.                C I have 16 years.               D I am 16 years.

2        Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice.            B Yes, I’m having it.             C Yes, I am.             D Yes, it is.

3        Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there.             B I don’t know.             C Help yourself.            D Here you are.

4        Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on               B in               C by               D with

5        Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted               B said               C made               D talked

6        Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment.         B It’s David Parker.         C I’ll call you back.        D Speaking.

7        They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry               B hot               C lazy               D tired

8        Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road               B way               C direction               D street

9        __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have               B Do               C Should               D Did

10        — Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.
— I’ve __________ done it!

A yet               B still               C already               D even

11        You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some               B a food               C many               D anything

12        What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea!             B Twice a month.             C It’s Star Wars.             D I think so.

13        — What would you like, Sue?
— I’d like the same __________ Michael please.

A that               B as               C for                       D had

14        __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few               B Little               C Least               D A little

15        It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure               B certain               C safe               D problem

16        __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take               B Have               C Wait               D Make

17        I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see               B look               C try               D tell

18        What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from               B with               C for               D between

19        My car needs __________ .
A repairing               B to repair               C to be repair               D repair

20        Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried               B shy               C selfish               D polite

21        I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when               B for                C during               D since

22        Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that               B what               C which               D why

23        I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not               B don’t have to               C are not allowed to               D can’t be

24        Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart               B unless               C however               D except

25        Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having               B laughing               C making               D joking

26        Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left               B missing               C put               D staying

27        Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right                B as far as                C along               D heading north

28        I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result               B way               C conclusion               D solution

29        Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course!          B Never mind.          C If you don’t mind.         D It doesn’t matter.

30        In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under               B against               C over                       D beyond

31        Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off               B put back               C turn down               D get away

32        Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose               B fancy               C suspect               D accuse

33        When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers               B recalls               C rethinks               D reminds

34        The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed               B smashed               C ground               D pressed

35        Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow               B permit               C accept               D let

36        If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t                B didn’t               C hadn’t               D haven’t

37        I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense               B manner               C way               D impression

38        These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical               B functional               C realistic               D active

39        __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several               B Much               C Enough                D Sufficient

40        We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote               B applied               C enquired               D requested

41        The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched               B struck               C rubbed               D scraped

42        Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had               B have               C having               D has

43        Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though               B however               C despite               D as

44        ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
A by               B with               C for               D on

45        You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would               B had               C should               D did

46        This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected               B required               C obliged               D supposed

47        Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent               B avoid               C refuse               D forbid

48        When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on               B takes up               C sets out               D brings about

49        __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A At the time               B Eventually               C Once               D Finally

50        Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t               B mustn’t               C wouldn’t               D needn’t

51        __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However               B What               C Whatever               D No matter

52        Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see               B deal                C ensure               D get

53        A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm               B heated               C hot               D boiling

54        I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular               B individual               C single               D one

55        The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly               B deeply               C great               D heavily

56        He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true               B good               C right               D honest

57        There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation               B attention               C broadcasting               D coverage

58        If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick               B steer               C stop               D stand

59        Turning back now is out of the __________ .
A agenda               B matter               C question               D possibility

60        Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems               B leads               C starts               D flows

Placement Test                6


1. How old are you?
I have 16.

I am 16.

I have 16 years.

I am 16 years.

2. Are you having a nice time?
Yes, I’m nice.
Yes, I’m having it.
Yes, I am.
Yes, It is.

3.Could you pass the salt please?
Over there.
I don’t know.
Help yourself.
Here you are.

4.Yesterday I went ….. bus to the National Museum.

5. Sue and Mike ….. to go camping.

6. Who’s calling, please?
Just a moment.
It’s David Parker.
I’ll call you back.

7. They were ….. after the long journey, so they went to bed.

8. Can you tell me the ….. to the bus station?

9. ….. you remember to buy some milk?

10. — Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.
— I’ve ….. done it!

11. You don’t need to bring ….. to eat.
a food

12.What about going to the cinema?
Good idea!
Twice a month.
It` s Star Wars.
I think so.

13. -What would you like, Sue?
-I’d like the same ….. Michael, please.

14. ….. people know the answer to that question.
A little

15. It’s not ….. to walk home by yourself in the dark.

16. ….. sure all windows are locked.

17. I’ll go and ….. if I can find him.

18. What’s the difference ….. football and rugby?

19. My car needs ….. .
to repair
to be repair

20. Tim was too ….. to ask Monika for a dance.

21. I haven’t had so much fun ….. I was a young boy!

22. Sorry, I don’t know ….. you’re talking about.

23. I’m afraid you ….. smoke in here.
could not
don’t have to
are not allowed to
can’t be

24. Every wanted to go out ….. John.

25. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not ….. it up!

26. Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything ….. on your plate!

27. Take the A20 ….. the roundabout, then turn left.
as far as
heading north

28. I really hope you can find a ….. to this problem.

29. Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
Of course!
Never mind.
If you don’t mind.
It doesn’t matter.

30. In my country, it is ….. the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.

31. Rebecca had to ….. the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
take off
put back
turn down
get away

32. Police ….. that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.

33. When Christopher smiles, he ….. me of his grandfather.

34. The wonderful smell of freshly ….. coffee hit us as we entered the store.

35. Mike’s dad wouldn’t ….. him goes to school with a red streak in his hair.

36. If only I ….. made that phone call!

37. I like Mary for her friendly smile and her ….. of humour.

38. These shoes are very ….. for walking in the mountains.

39.….. of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.

40. We were surprised that over 500 people ….. for the job.

41. The children watched in excitement as she ….. a match and lit the candles.

42. Sorry about Kate’s strange behavior, but she’s just not used to ….. lots of people around her.

43. Ivan kept running very hard ….. none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
even though

44. “I did this painting all ….. my own, Dad,” said Milly.

45. You ….. better check all the details are correct before we send it off.

46. This game is ….. to be for five years old, but I think a two years old could do it!

47. Just put this powder down and it should ….. any more ants from getting in.

48. When Jonnie ….. to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
gets on
takes up
sets out
brings about

49….. we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
At the time

50. Fifty seven?
No, that ….. be the right answer!

51.….. happens, I’ll always be there for you!
No matter

52. Can you ….. to it that no one uses this entrance?

53. A ….. debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.

54. I’ve drunk milk every ….. day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!

55. The version of the film I saw had been ….. censored.

56. He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as ….. as his word.

57. There has been so much media ….. of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.

58. If I were you would ….. clear of the area around the station late at night.

59. Turning back now is out of the ….. .

60. Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces ….. from a bad experience he had when he was a child.


  1. Тест на определения уровня владения английским языком. тест (8 класс) по теме
  2. Скачать:
  3. Предварительный просмотр:
  4. Помогите с тестом по Ангийскому Языку
  5. Пожалуйста, помогите выбрать верный ответ.

Тест на определения уровня владения английским языком.
тест (8 класс) по теме

Тест на определения уровня владения английским языком. Ответы прилагаются.


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Предварительный просмотр:

0 Where are you from?
A I’m France. B I’m from France. C French. D I’m French.

1 How old are you?
A I have 16. B I am 16. C I have 16 years. D I am 16 years.

2 Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice. B Yes, I’m having it. C Yes, I am. D Yes, it is.

3 Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there. B I don’t know. C Help yourself. D Here you are.

4 Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on B in C by D with

5 Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted B said C made D talked

6 Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment. B It’s David Parker. C I’ll call you back. D Speaking.

7 They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry B hot C lazy D tired

8 Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road B way C direction D street

9 __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have B Do C Should D Did

10 — Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.
— I’ve __________ done it!

A yet B still C already D even

11 You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some B a food C many D anything

12 What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea! B Twice a month. C It’s Star Wars. D I think so.

13 — What would you like, Sue?
— I’d like the same __________ Michael please.

A that B as C for D had

14 __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few B Little C Least D A little

15 It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure B certain C safe D problem

16 __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17 I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see B look C try D tell

18 What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from B with C for D between

19 My car needs __________ .
A repairing B to repair C to be repair D repair

20 Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21 I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when B for C during D since

22 Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that B what C which D why

23 I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24 Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart B unless C however D except

25 Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having B laughing C making D joking

26 Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left B missing C put D staying

27 Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right B as far as C along D heading north

28 I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result B way C conclusion D solution

29 Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30 In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under B against C over D beyond

31 Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32 Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33 When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34 The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35 Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow B permit C accept D let

36 If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t B didn’t C hadn’t D haven’t

37 I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense B manner C way D impression

38 These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical B functional C realistic D active

39 __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several B Much C Enough D Sufficient

40 We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote B applied C enquired D requested

41 The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched B struck C rubbed D scraped

42 Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had B have C having D has

43 Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though B however C despite D as

44 ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
A by B with C for D on

45 You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would B had C should D did

46 This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected B required C obliged D supposed

47 Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent B avoid C refuse D forbid

48 When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on B takes up C sets out D brings about

49 __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A At the time B Eventually C Once D Finally

50 Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t B mustn’t C wouldn’t D needn’t

51 __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However B What C Whatever D No matter

52 Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see B deal C ensure D get

53 A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm B heated C hot D boiling

54 I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular B individual C single D one

55 The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly B deeply C great D heavily

56 He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true B good C right D honest

57 There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation B attention C broadcasting D coverage

58 If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick B steer C stop D stand

59 Turning back now is out of the __________ .
A agenda B matter C question D possibility

60 Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems B leads C starts D flows

Помогите с тестом по Ангийскому Языку

16__________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see B look C try D tell

18What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from B with C for D between

19My car needs __________ .
A repairing B to repair C to be repair D repair

20Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when B for C during D since

22Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that B what C which D why

23I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart B unless C however D except

25Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having B laughing C making D joking

26Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left B missing C put D staying

27Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right B as far as C along D heading north

28I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result B way C conclusion D solution

29Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under B against C over D beyond

31Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow B permit C accept D let

16. Make sure all the windows are locked.

— Убедитесь что все окна закрыты.

17. I’ll go and look if I can find him.

— Я пойду и посмотрю можно ли его найти.

18. What’s the difference between football and rugby?

— В чём отличие между футболом и регби?

19. My car needs repair.

— Моя машина нуждается в починке.

20. Tim was too shy to ask Monika for a dance.

— Тим слишком стесняется пригласить Монику на танец.

21. I haven’t had so much fun since I was a young boy!

— Я последний раз так веселился, когда был маленьким.

22. Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

— Извините, я не знаю о чём идёт речь.

23. I’m afraid you are not allowed smoke in here.

— Я боюсь, вы не можете здесь курить.

24. Everyone wanted to go out apart John.

— Все хотели выйти, кроме Джона.

25. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not joking it up!

— Честно! Я видел призрака! Я не шучу!

26. Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything left on your plate!

— Кушай всё! Я не хочу чтобы что-то осталось на твоей тарелке.

27. Предложение некорректное. Извините.

28. I really hope you can find a solution to this problem.

— Я очень надеюсь, что ты сможешь найти решение этой проблемы.

29. Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea? — Of course!

— Ты бы не могла посмотреть за моей сумкой пока я пойду и сделаю себе
чашечку чая.

30. In my country, it is against the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
— В моём городе противозаконно смотреть пиратские фильмы, если тебе нет 18.

31. Rebecca had to turn down the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
— Ребекке пришлось отказаться от приглашения, так как она занята подготовкой к экзаменам.

32. Police suspect that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
— Полиция подозревает что террористическая группа стоит за пропажей людей.

33. When Christopher smiles, he reminds me of his grandfather.
— Когда Кристофер улыбается, он напоминает мне моего дедушку.

34. The wonderful smell of freshly ground coffee hit us as we entered the store.
— Какой прекрасный запах от свежего молотого кофе, ощущение что мы в магазине.

35. Mike’s dad wouldn’t let him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
— Отец Майка не разрешил бы своему сыну пойти в школу с окрашенными в красный цвет волосами.

Пожалуйста, помогите выбрать верный ответ.

16 __________ sure all the windows are locked. A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17 I’ll go and __________ if I can find him. A see B look C try D tell

18 What’s the difference __________ football and rugby? A from B with C for D between

19 My car needs __________ . A repairing B to repair C to be repair D repair

20 Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance. A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21 I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy! A when B for C during D since

22 Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about. A that B what C which D why

23 I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here. A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24 Everyone wanted to go out __________ John. A apart B unless C however D except

25 There is______sand in my shoes. A — B a C the D an

26 Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate! A left B missing C put D staying

27 Where are you from? A I’m France. B I’m from France. C French. D I’m French.

28 I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem. A result B way C conclusion D solution

29 Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea? A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30 What is______longest river in______world? A a, a B the, the C the, a D a, the

31 Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams. A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32 Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping. A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33 When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather. A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34 The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store. A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35 Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair. A allow B permit C accept D let

36 If only I __________ made that phone call! A wasn’t B didn’t C hadn’t D haven’t

37 I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour. A sense B manner C way D impression

38 I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm! A particular B individual C single D one

39 Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer! A can’t B mustn’t C wouldn’t D needn’t

40 We __________ see the lake from our bedroom window.

A are able B can C must D might

41 She spoke in a very low voice, but I______understand what she said.

A could B can C must D might

42 When we went to the forest, we______smell burning.

A could B can C must D might

43 — Why did not your sister answer the phone? — She______have been asleep.

A can B should C must D might`nt

44 Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.

A built B was built C has been built D have built

45 Сейчас здесь строится новый дом.

A is being built B is building C is built D is build

46 Много домов будет построено в следующем месяце.

A will be built B will have been built C will have built D will built

47 Who _____ to take part in our concert?

A does want B do want; C want; D wants

48 Is there _____ snow in England in winter?

A much B many C few; D a fеw

49 My father gave me _____

A a piece of advice B good advices; C any good advice D


  1. Тест по английскому на определение уровня
  2. Помогите с тестом по Ангийскому Языку
  3. Пожалуйста, помогите выбрать верный ответ.
  4. Тест на определение уровня языка
  5. Прокомментируйте!
  6. Тест по английскому языку для 11 класса
  7. Placement Test for Elementary, Intermediate, First Certificate and Advanced Language Practice

Тест по английскому на определение уровня



Отметьте один правильный ответ. Пожалуйста, не используйте словари. Если затрудняетесь, переходите к следующему заданию. Время на выполнение теста по английскому — 20-25 минут. Сравните с правильными ответами внизу.


1. How old are you?

I have 16. I am 16. I have 16 years. I am 16 years.

2. Are you having a nice time?

Yes, I’m nice. Yes, I’m having it. Yes, I am. Yes, it is.

3. Could you pass the salt please?

Over there. I don’t know. Help yourself. Here you are.

4. Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.

5. Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.

wanted, said, made, talked

6. Who’s calling, please?

Just a moment. It’s David Parker. I’ll call you back. Speaking.

7. They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.

hungry, hot, lazy, tired

8. You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

some, a food, many, anything

9. __________ you remember to buy some milk?

Have, Do, Should, Did

10. — Don’t forget to put the rubbish out. — I’ve __________ done it!

yet, still, already, even

11. Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?

road, way, direction, street

12. What about going to the cinema?

Good idea! Twice a month. It’s Star Wars. I think so.

13. — What would you like, Sue? — I’d like the same __________ Michael please.

14. __________ people know the answer to that question.

Few, Little, Least, A little

15. It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.

sure, certain, safe, problem

16. __________ sure all the windows are locked.

Take, Have, Wait, Make

17. I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.

18. What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?

between, 19. Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.

that, what, which, why

20. I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!

when, for, during, since

21. Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.

worried, shy, selfish, polite

repairing, to repair, to be repair, repair

23. I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.

could not, don’t have to, are not allowed to, can’t be

24. Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.

apart, unless, however, except

25. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!

having, laughing, making, joking

26. Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!

left, missing, put, staying

27. Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.

right, as far as, along, heading north

28. I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.

result, way, conclusion, solution

29. Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?

Of course! Never mind. If you don’t mind. It doesn’t matter.

30. In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.

under, against, over, beyond

31. Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.

take off, put back, turn down, get away

32. Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.

suppose, fancy, suspect, accuse

33. When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.

remembers, recalls, rethinks, reminds

34. The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.

crushed, smashed, ground, pressed

35. Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.

allow, permit, accept, let

36. If only I __________ made that phone call!

wasn’t, didn’t, hadn’t, haven’t

37. I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.

sense, manner, way, impression

38. These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.

practical, functional, realistic, active

39. __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.

Several, Much, Enough, Sufficient

40. We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.

wrote, applied, enquired, requested

41. The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.

scratched, struck, rubbed, scraped

42. Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.

had, have, having, has

43. Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.

even though, however, despite, as

44. ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.

45. You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.

would, had, should, did



Помогите с тестом по Ангийскому Языку

16__________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see B look C try D tell

18What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from B with C for D between

20Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when B for C during D since

22Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that B what C which D why

23I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart B unless C however D except

25Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having B laughing C making D joking

26Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left B missing C put D staying

27Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right B as far as C along D heading north

28I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result B way C conclusion D solution

29Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under B against C over D beyond

31Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow B permit C accept D let

16. Make sure all the windows are locked.

— Убедитесь что все окна закрыты.

17. I’ll go and look if I can find him.

— Я пойду и посмотрю можно ли его найти.

18. What’s the difference between football and rugby?

— В чём отличие между футболом и регби?

19. My car needs repair.

— Моя машина нуждается в починке.

20. Tim was too shy to ask Monika for a dance.

— Тим слишком стесняется пригласить Монику на танец.

21. I haven’t had so much fun since I was a young boy!

— Я последний раз так веселился, когда был маленьким.

22. Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

— Извините, я не знаю о чём идёт речь.

23. I’m afraid you are not allowed smoke in here.

— Я боюсь, вы не можете здесь курить.

24. Everyone wanted to go out apart John.

— Все хотели выйти, кроме Джона.

25. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not joking it up!

— Честно! Я видел призрака! Я не шучу!

26. Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything left on your plate!

— Кушай всё! Я не хочу чтобы что-то осталось на твоей тарелке.

27. Предложение некорректное. Извините.

28. I really hope you can find a solution to this problem.

— Я очень надеюсь, что ты сможешь найти решение этой проблемы.

— Ты бы не могла посмотреть за моей сумкой пока я пойду и сделаю себе
чашечку чая.

30. In my country, it is against the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
— В моём городе противозаконно смотреть пиратские фильмы, если тебе нет 18.

31. Rebecca had to turn down the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
— Ребекке пришлось отказаться от приглашения, так как она занята подготовкой к экзаменам.

32. Police suspect that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
— Полиция подозревает что террористическая группа стоит за пропажей людей.

33. When Christopher smiles, he reminds me of his grandfather.
— Когда Кристофер улыбается, он напоминает мне моего дедушку.

34. The wonderful smell of freshly ground coffee hit us as we entered the store.
— Какой прекрасный запах от свежего молотого кофе, ощущение что мы в магазине.

35. Mike’s dad wouldn’t let him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
— Отец Майка не разрешил бы своему сыну пойти в школу с окрашенными в красный цвет волосами.


Пожалуйста, помогите выбрать верный ответ.

16 __________ sure all the windows are locked. A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17 I’ll go and __________ if I can find him. A see B look C try D tell

18 What’s the difference __________ football and rugby? A from B with C for D between

20 Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance. A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21 I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy! A when B for C during D since

22 Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about. A that B what C which D why

23 I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here. A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24 Everyone wanted to go out __________ John. A apart B unless C however D except

25 There is______sand in my shoes. A — B a C the D an

26 Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate! A left B missing C put D staying

27 Where are you from? A I’m France. B I’m from France. C French. D I’m French.

28 I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem. A result B way C conclusion D solution

29 Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea? A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30 What is______longest river in______world? A a, a B the, the C the, a D a, the

31 Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams. A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32 Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping. A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33 When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather. A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34 The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store. A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35 Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair. A allow B permit C accept D let

36 If only I __________ made that phone call! A wasn’t B didn’t C hadn’t D haven’t

37 I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour. A sense B manner C way D impression

38 I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm! A particular B individual C single D one

39 Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer! A can’t B mustn’t C wouldn’t D needn’t

40 We __________ see the lake from our bedroom window.

A are able B can C must D might

41 She spoke in a very low voice, but I______understand what she said.

A could B can C must D might

42 When we went to the forest, we______smell burning.

A could B can C must D might

A can B should C must D might`nt

44 Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.

A built B was built C has been built D have built

45 Сейчас здесь строится новый дом.

A is being built B is building C is built D is build

46 Много домов будет построено в следующем месяце.

A will be built B will have been built C will have built D will built

47 Who _____ to take part in our concert?

A does want B do want; C want; D wants

48 Is there _____ snow in England in winter?

A much B many C few; D a fеw

49 My father gave me _____

A a piece of advice B good advices; C any good advice D


Тест на определение уровня языка




Name: _______________________________ D ate: ____________________

Underline the answer which best answers the question or fits the space.

0 Where are you from?
A I’m France. B I’m from France. C French. D I’m French.

1 How old are you?
A I have 16. B I am 16. C I have 16 years. D I am 16 years.

2 Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice. B Yes, I’m having it. C Yes, I am. D Yes, it is.

3 Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there. B I don’t know. C Help yourself. D Here you are.

4 Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on B in C by D with

5 Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted B said C made D talked

6 Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment. B It’s D avid Parker. C I’ll call you back. D Speaking.

7 They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry B hot C lazy D tired

8 Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road B way C direction D street

9 __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have B D o C Should D D id

A yet B still C already D even

11 You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some B a food C many D anything

12 What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea! B Twice a month. C It’s Star Wars. D I think so.

A that B as C for D had

14 __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few B Little C Least D A little

15 It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure B certain C safe D problem

16 __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17 I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see B look C try D tell

18 What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from B with C for D between

20 Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21 I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when B for C during D since

22 Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that B what C which D why

23 I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24 Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart B unless C however D except

25 Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having B laughing C making D joking

26 Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left B missing C put D staying

27 Take the A 20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right B as far as C along D heading north

28 I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result B way C conclusion D solution

29 C ould you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30 In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under B against C over D beyond

31 Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32 Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33 When C hristopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34 The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35 Mike’s d ad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow B permit C accept D let

36 If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t B didn’t C hadn’t D haven’t

37 I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense B manner C way D impression

38 These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical B functional C realistic D active

39 __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the C hairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several B Much C Enough D Sufficient

40 We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote B applied C enquired D requested

41 The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched B struck C rubbed D scraped

42 Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had B have C having D has

43 Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though B however C despite D as

44 ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, D ad,’ said Milly.
A by B with C for D on

45 You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would B had C should D did

46 This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected B required C obliged D supposed

47 Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent B avoid C refuse D forbid

48 When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on B takes up C sets out D brings about

49 __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A A t the time B Eventually C Once D Finally

50 Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t B mustn’t C wouldn’t D needn’t

51 __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However B What C Whatever D No matter

52 C an you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see B deal C ensure D get

53 A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm B heated C hot D boiling

54 I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular B individual C single D one

55 The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly B deeply C great D heavily

56 He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true B good C right D honest

57 There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation B attention C broadcasting D coverage

58 If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick B steer C stop D stand

60 Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems B leads C starts D flows

KEY Placement Test for Elementary, Intermediate, First Certificate and Advanced Language Practice

Interpretation of marks
115Elementary Language Practice
1630Intermediate Language Practice
3145 First Certificate Language Practice
4660 Advanced Language Practice


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Тест по английскому языку для 11 класса

Ищем педагогов в команду «Инфоурок»

Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________

Underline the answer which best answers the question or fits the space.

0 Where are you from?
A I’m France. B I’m from France. C French. D I’m French.

1 How old are you?
A I have 16. B I am 16. C I have 16 years. D I am 16 years.

2 Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice. B Yes, I’m having it. C Yes, I am. D Yes, it is.

3 Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there. B I don’t know. C Help yourself. D Here you are.

4 Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on B in C by D with

5 Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted B said C made D talked

6 Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment. B It’s David Parker. C I’ll call you back. D Speaking.

7 They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry B hot C lazy D tired

8 Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road B way C direction D street

9 __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have B Do C Should D Did

A yet B still C already D even

11 You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some B a food C many D anything

12 What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea! B Twice a month. C It’s Star Wars. D I think so.

14 __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few B Little C Least D A little

15 It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure B certain C safe D problem

16 __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17 I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see B look C try D tell

18 What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from B with C for D between

20 Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21 I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when B for C during D since

22 Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that B what C which D why

23 I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24 Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart B unless C however D except

25 Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having B laughing C making D joking

26 Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left B missing C put D staying

27 Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right B as far as C along D heading north

28 I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result B way C conclusion D solution

29 Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30 In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under B against C over D beyond

31 Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32 Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33 When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34 The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35 Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow B permit C accept D let

36 If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t B didn’t C hadn’t D haven’t

37 I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense B manner C way D impression

38 These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical B functional C realistic D active

39 __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several B Much C Enough D Sufficient

40 We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote B applied C enquired D requested

41 The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched B struck C rubbed D scraped

42 Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had B have C having D has

43 Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though B however C despite D as

44 ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
A by B with C for D on

45 You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would B had C should D did

46 This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected B required C obliged D supposed

47 Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent B avoid C refuse D forbid

48 When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on B takes up C sets out D brings about

49 __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A At the time B Eventually C Once D Finally

50 Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t B mustn’t C wouldn’t D needn’t

51 __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However B What C Whatever D No matter

52 Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see B deal C ensure D get

53 A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm B heated C hot D boiling

54 I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular B individual C single D one

55 The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly B deeply C great D heavily

56 He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true B good C right D honest

57 There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation B attention C broadcasting D coverage

58 If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick B steer C stop D stand

60 Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems B leads C starts D flows




1. How old are you?
I have 16.

I am 16.

I have 16 years.

I am 16 years.

2. Are you having a nice time?
Yes, I’m nice.
Yes, I’m having it.
Yes, I am.
Yes, It is.

3.Could you pass the salt please?
Over there.
I don’t know.
Help yourself.
Here you are.

4.Yesterday I went ….. bus to the National Museum.

5. Sue and Mike ….. to go camping.

6. Who’s calling, please?
Just a moment.
It’s David Parker.
I’ll call you back.

7. They were ….. after the long journey, so they went to bed.

8. Can you tell me the ….. to the bus station?

9. ….. you remember to buy some milk?

10. — Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.
— I’ve ….. done it!

11. You don’t need to bring ….. to eat.
a food

12.What about going to the cinema?
Good idea!
Twice a month.
It` s Star Wars.
I think so.

13. -What would you like, Sue?
-I’d like the same ….. Michael, please.

14. ….. people know the answer to that question.
A little

15. It’s not ….. to walk home by yourself in the dark.

16. ….. sure all windows are locked.

17. I’ll go and ….. if I can find him.

18. What’s the difference ….. football and rugby?

19. My car needs ….. .
to repair
to be repair

20. Tim was too ….. to ask Monika for a dance.

21. I haven’t had so much fun ….. I was a young boy!

22. Sorry, I don’t know ….. you’re talking about.

23. I’m afraid you ….. smoke in here.
could not
don’t have to
are not allowed to
can’t be

24. Every wanted to go out ….. John.

25. Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not ….. it up!

26. Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything ….. on your plate!

27. Take the A20 ….. the roundabout, then turn left.
as far as
heading north

28. I really hope you can find a ….. to this problem.

29. Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
Of course!
Never mind.
If you don’t mind.
It doesn’t matter.

30. In my country, it is ….. the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.

31. Rebecca had to ….. the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
take off
put back
turn down
get away

32. Police ….. that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.

33. When Christopher smiles, he ….. me of his grandfather.

34. The wonderful smell of freshly ….. coffee hit us as we entered the store.

35. Mike’s dad wouldn’t ….. him goes to school with a red streak in his hair.

36. If only I ….. made that phone call!

37. I like Mary for her friendly smile and her ….. of humour.

38. These shoes are very ….. for walking in the mountains.

39.….. of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.

40. We were surprised that over 500 people ….. for the job.

41. The children watched in excitement as she ….. a match and lit the candles.

42. Sorry about Kate’s strange behavior, but she’s just not used to ….. lots of people around her.

43. Ivan kept running very hard ….. none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
even though

44. “I did this painting all ….. my own, Dad,” said Milly.

45. You ….. better check all the details are correct before we send it off.

46. This game is ….. to be for five years old, but I think a two years old could do it!

47. Just put this powder down and it should ….. any more ants from getting in.

48. When Jonnie ….. to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
gets on
takes up
sets out
brings about

49….. we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
At the time

50. Fifty seven?
No, that ….. be the right answer!

51.….. happens, I’ll always be there for you!
No matter

52. Can you ….. to it that no one uses this entrance?

53. A ….. debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.

54. I’ve drunk milk every ….. day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!

55. The version of the film I saw had been ….. censored.

56. He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as ….. as his word.

57. There has been so much media ….. of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.

58. If I were you would ….. clear of the area around the station late at night.

59. Turning back now is out of the ….. .

60. Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces ….. from a bad experience he had when he was a child.

Name: _______________________________        Date: ____________________

Placement Test for Elementary, Intermediate, First Certificate and Advanced Language Practice

Underline the answer which best answers the question or fits the space.

0        Where are you from?
A I’m France.               B I’m from France.               C French.               D I’m French.

1        How old are you?
A I have 16.               B I am 16.                C I have 16 years.               D I am 16 years.

2        Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice.            B Yes, I’m having it.             C Yes, I am.             D Yes, it is.

3        Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there.             B I don’t know.             C Help yourself.            D Here you are.

4        Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on               B in               C by               D with

5        Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted               B said               C made               D talked

6        Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment.         B It’s David Parker.         C I’ll call you back.        D Speaking.

7        They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry               B hot               C lazy               D tired

8        Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road               B way               C direction               D street

9        __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have               B Do               C Should               D Did

10        — Don’t forget to put the rubbish out.
— I’ve __________ done it!

A yet               B still               C already               D even

11        You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some               B a food               C many               D anything

12        What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea!             B Twice a month.             C It’s Star Wars.             D I think so.

13        — What would you like, Sue?
— I’d like the same __________ Michael please.

A that               B as               C for                       D had

14        __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few               B Little               C Least               D A little

15        It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure               B certain               C safe               D problem

16        __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take               B Have               C Wait               D Make

17        I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see               B look               C try               D tell

18        What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from               B with               C for               D between

19        My car needs __________ .
A repairing               B to repair               C to be repair               D repair

20        Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried               B shy               C selfish               D polite

21        I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when               B for                C during               D since

22        Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that               B what               C which               D why

23        I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not               B don’t have to               C are not allowed to               D can’t be

24        Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart               B unless               C however               D except

25        Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having               B laughing               C making               D joking

26        Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left               B missing               C put               D staying

27        Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right                B as far as                C along               D heading north

28        I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result               B way               C conclusion               D solution

29        Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course!          B Never mind.          C If you don’t mind.         D It doesn’t matter.

30        In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under               B against               C over                       D beyond

31        Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off               B put back               C turn down               D get away

32        Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose               B fancy               C suspect               D accuse

33        When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers               B recalls               C rethinks               D reminds

34        The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed               B smashed               C ground               D pressed

35        Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow               B permit               C accept               D let

36        If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t                B didn’t               C hadn’t               D haven’t

37        I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense               B manner               C way               D impression

38        These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical               B functional               C realistic               D active

39        __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several               B Much               C Enough                D Sufficient

40        We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote               B applied               C enquired               D requested

41        The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched               B struck               C rubbed               D scraped

42        Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had               B have               C having               D has

43        Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though               B however               C despite               D as

44        ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
A by               B with               C for               D on

45        You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would               B had               C should               D did

46        This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected               B required               C obliged               D supposed

47        Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent               B avoid               C refuse               D forbid

48        When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on               B takes up               C sets out               D brings about

49        __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A At the time               B Eventually               C Once               D Finally

50        Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t               B mustn’t               C wouldn’t               D needn’t

51        __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However               B What               C Whatever               D No matter

52        Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see               B deal                C ensure               D get

53        A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm               B heated               C hot               D boiling

54        I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular               B individual               C single               D one

55        The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly               B deeply               C great               D heavily

56        He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true               B good               C right               D honest

57        There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation               B attention               C broadcasting               D coverage

58        If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick               B steer               C stop               D stand

59        Turning back now is out of the __________ .
A agenda               B matter               C question               D possibility

60        Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems               B leads               C starts               D flows

Placement Test                

Знать свой уровень владения английским языком нужно всем, кто изучает
его или собирается вспомнить. Если для занятий вы выберете материал
пройденного уровня, то знания останутся на прежней отметке. А слишком
трудные упражнения быстро снизят мотивацию и заставят бросить учебу. Мы
разработали специальный
онлайн-тест на определение уровня владения английским языком . Он
поможет вам правильно определить степень сложности упражнений, необходимую
для успешного развития.

English placement test online

Бесплатный тест состоит из четырех частей:

  1. Аудирование.
  2. Грамматика.
  3. Речь.
  4. Письмо.

Всего 36 вопросов, по девять в каждом разделе, позволят провести
комплексную оценку уровня владения английским языком.

Аудирование — это задания на определение степени понимания речи
носителей английского языка. В тесте используются кадры из фильмов,
фрагменты видео с обычными людьми, научные ролики.

Грамматический раздел содержит задания, позволяющие оценить
знания правил употребления артиклей, форм глаголов в зависимости от
времени, местоимений и наречий. Эта часть теста
помогает определить степень владения основами грамматики.

Тест речевых навыков включает вопросы на понимание письменных материалов, а
также утверждения, отрицания и фразы, которыми необходимо продолжить или
закончить диалог.

Тестовые задания для оценки навыков письма проверяют умение
составлять словосочетания и предложения на английском языке, а также давать
ответ на определенное утверждение. Тест проверяет порядок слов
в предложении и орфографию, оценивает знание правил и навык грамотно строить
письменную речь.

Узнайте свой уровень английского языка онлайн и бесплатно

English level online test – отличный способ быстро и достоверно
проанализировать свои навыки. После завершения тестирования
результат виден сразу. Вам будут доступны все вопросы и
ответы теста на уровень знания английского с детальными
комментариями по каждому блоку. После прохождения теста вы также получите
рекомендации и подборку упражнений, заданий, уроков и других учебных
материалов, которые подходят именно вам для дальнейшего изучения

Перейти к содержимому (нажмите Enter)

Онлайн тест по английскому языку можно пройти:

  1. в разделе сайта ПоZитив Онлайн тест
  2. скачайте наши тесты для определения уровня, сделайте их и отправьте на наш адрес pozitiv0001@gmail.com

Скачать тест по английскому языку в Ростове.
Мы свяжемся с Вами после проверки теста.

(Нажмите, чтоб скачать нужный тест в формате .doc)

Тест по-английскому языку уровень Elementary

Тест по-английскому языку уровень Pre-Intermediate

Тест по-английскому языку уровень Intermediate

Общий тест по-английскому языку для определения уровня

Согласно Европейской Системе Уровней Английского языка существует 6 уровней

(краткое описание или что Вы будете знать пройдя курс в нашем центре)

Название Курса  CEF Cambrige Exams  IELTS TOEFL 
1. Starter A1 9-18
2. Elementary A2 3.0 19-29
3. Pre Intermediate A2/B1 KET 4.0 30-52
4. Intermediate B1+/B2 PET 5.0 53-78
5. Upper Intermediate B2 FCE 6.0 — 7.0 79-95
6. Advanced C1 CAE 7.0 — 8.5 96-120

Ниже приводится описание уровней владения английским языком:

Уровень Elementary
Уровень Pre Intermediate
Уровень Intermediate
Уровень Upper Intermediate
Уровень Advanced

Уровень Elementary


  • Узнавать и предоставлять краткую информацию о себе и других
  • Узнавать и предоставлять краткую информацию не личного характера
  • Выразить свои мысли так, чтобы Вас поняли и попросить прояснить ту или иную ситуацию,чтобы Вам стало ясно, о чём идёт речь
  • Выражать простые идеи и чувства
  • Говорить с произношением, которое будет всем понятно
  • Пользоваться языком для общения и разрешения проблем в любой англоговорящей стране


  • Улавливать основной смысл речи иностранца
  • Понимать основные ключевые моменты речи иностранца
  • Читать короткие тексты и улавливать основные идеи


  • Правильно составлять предложения
  • Написать открытку, email, небольшой запрос или уведомление
  • Составить краткую характеристику о себе

Уровень Pre Intermediate


  • Говорить с чётким произношением
  • Предоставлять информацию личного и отвлечённого характера
  • Ясно объяснить, что Вы чего-то не понимаете
  • Понять объяснение тех или иных вопросов в ситуации недопонимания
  • Чётко выражать свои мысли и чувства
  • Оперировать основными ситуациями общения


  • Понимать основную идею текста
  • Чётко различать ударение, звуки и интонацию
  • Читать несложные тексты и понимать основные идеи


  • Описать ситуацию, место или человека
  • Сформулировать своё отношение к предметам, проблемам и людям
  • Написать открытку, неофициальное письмо, e-mail, запрос, извинение или прошение
  • Написать о себе
  • Чётко и грамматически слаженно выстроить предложение путём согласования слов друг с другом

По окончании этого уровня слушатели могут пройти подготовку к сдаче международного Кембриджского экзамена KET (Key English Test).

Уровень Intermediate


  • Узнавать чужое мнение, отношение и эмоции и высказывать свои
  • Выражать непонимание ситуации и просить о разъяснении
  • Высказывать свои идеи в простой форме
  • Изъясняться с чётким и понятным для окружающих произношением
  • Выразить эмоции и чувства при помощи ударения и интонации
  • Правильно сочетать слова в предложении в разговорном и письменном английском языке


  • Понимать основные идеи собеседника
  • Понимать основные моменты и общий смысл из контекста и распознавать содержание
  • Узнавать и различать произношение человека, для которого английский язык не родной, и иностранца, для которого английский язык родной от природы
  • Совершенствовать способность понимать и отличать неофициальную и официальную письменную и устную речь в различных ситуациях


  • Заполнять различные бумаги: декларации, анкеты, и т.д.
  • Писать письма, открытки
  • Писать информационные официальные и неофициальные письма
  • Излагать на письме последовательность событий, писать истории
  • Описывать людей, места и ситуации
  • Дополнять изложение той или иной ситуации личными комментариями
  • Просто и грамматически верно выражать мысли и отношение

По окончании этого уровня слушатели могут пройти подготовку к сдаче международного Кембриджского экзамена PET (Preliminary English Test).

Уровень Upper Intermediate


  • Фиксировать и предоставлять информацию при различных обстоятельствах
  • Использовать официальный и неофициальный язык в различных ситуациях
  • Дискутировать с двумя людьми или более и уметь поддержать беседу на большинство тем
  • Говорить с небольшим количеством грамматических и лексических ошибок и уметь их исправить во время беседы


  • С первого раза понимать основные идеи текста
  • Понимать на слух отношения и эмоции, выражаемые собеседиком
  • Улавливать различные региональные акценты
  • Воспринимать и вести телефонный разговор
  • Читать газеты и журналы и понимать основные ключевые моменты
  • Различать стили: разговорный, официальный, уличный и т.д.
  • Делать выводы из прочитанного


  • Написание официальных и неофициальных писем
  • Писать элементарные инструкции и наставления
  • Составить краткий обзор фильма или истории
  • Оперировать простыми и сложными синтаксическими конструкциями
  • Пользоваться различными стилями в написании писем, историй
  • Чётко и грамматически верно выражать мысли, чтобы слушатель легко понял сказанное

По окончании этого уровня слушатели могут пройти подготовку к сдаче международного 
Кембриджские экзамены IELTS (International English Language Testing System),
FCE (First Certificate in English)
и американский экзамен
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).

Уровень Advanced


  • Использовать официальный и неофициальный стили к месту и ко времени
  • Говорить с ограниченным числом грамматических и лексических ошибок
  • Бегло говорить на различные темы
  • Знать и уметь применять на практике идиоматические выражения и устоявшиеся фразы или словосочетания
  • Оперировать фонологическими особенностями языка, уметь выделить интонацией или поставить логическое ударения в соответствии с законами языка на том месте предложения, внимание собеседника на которое Вы хотите обратить.


  • Понимать ключевые моменты с первого раза и распознавать отношение и мнение говорящего к проблематике
  • Оценивать интонацию и делать выводы о чувствах и эмоциях говорящего


  • Написать официальные и неофициальные письма, e — mail и передавать собственные чувства и эмоции в соответствии с канонами этикета
  • Написать повествование
  • Написать дискурсивные эссе, т.е. путем логических умозаключений
  • Составить отчёты, написать статьи и обзоры книг, фильмов, событий

По окончании этого уровня студенты могут сдать Кембриджский экзамен CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), а также подготовиться к экзамену
CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
IELTS (International English Language Testing System).

Для определения вашего уровня оставьте заявку на БЕСПЛАТНОЕ тестирование в нашем центре

Как мы определяем знание английского языка?

Идеальный преподаватель

Комплексная проверка

Оценивать твои навыки мы будем онлайн, по реальным учебным материалам и упражнениям из программы обучения Englishdom. Сюда входит онлайн-тестирование по грамматике, чтению, письму, восприятию живой речи на слух и словарному запасу.

Начни говорить

Что ты получишь в результате?

Этот мини-экзамен покажет максимально точный уровень владения английским сейчас. Ты узнаешь свои сильные и слабые стороны, и поймешь, куда двигаться дальше.

Тестов на определение уровня языка в интернете полно, но настоящее удовольствие вы получите только от этого. Он не просто проверит ваш английский, но и напомнит о лучших фильмах, вирусных видео, мемах, музыке и событиях последних лет.

Все просто: 25 предложений, в каждом пропущено слово — нужно выбрать верный, на ваш взгляд, вариант. Имейте в виду: тест учитывает только вашу грамматику и словарный запас. Чтобы испытать навыки аудирования, говорения и получить окончательный результат, рекомендуем потом записаться на бесплатный урок с методистом Skyeng. Итак, поехали!

Вопрос 1 из 25

The Weeknd’s «Save Your Tears» <…> the most popular 2021 music video on Vevo

Вопрос 2 из 25

Many singers streamed <…> online concerts for people all around the world

Вопрос 3 из 25

I love Taylor Swift’s new album, at the moment I <…> to it on repeat

Вопрос 4 из 25

I don’t <…> watch drama movies, but «King Richard» is pretty good

Вопрос 5 из 25

<…> meme do you prefer: Doge or Cheems?

Вопрос 6 из 25

If you are bored, you <…> try online courses

Вопрос 7 из 25

It’s such a shame I still <…> «Dune»

Вопрос 8 из 25

Wikipedia <…> that Billie Eilish released her second album «Happier Than Ever» on July 30, 2021

Вопрос 9 из 25

Netflix recently released «Britney Vs Spears,» a 90-minute documentary <…> the conservatorship established for the pop star

Вопрос 10 из 25

I <…> YouTube Originals when you called

Вопрос 11 из 25

The word “vaccine” <…> the word of the year by many dictionaries for 2021

Вопрос 12 из 25

Everyone admits <…> a challenging and anxious year

Вопрос 13 из 25

In her first album <…> 2015, Adele finally came back this year with «30»

Вопрос 14 из 25

Everyone was <…> impressed by the courage of doctors all around the world

Вопрос 15 из 25

Billie Eilish won 2 nominations at the 2021 Grammy Award. That’s what we call girl <…>

Вопрос 16 из 25

Joe Biden <…> the 46th president of the United States

Вопрос 17 из 25

The spaceflight company led by the billionaire Elon Musk launched a <…> trip to orbit with the first-ever all-civilian crew

Вопрос 18 из 25

I <…> Måneskin on Eurovision for quite a while before I realized that Damiano David was very hot

Вопрос 19 из 25

My social media feed has been flooded with <…> posts this year

Вопрос 20 из 25

Do you know that Travis Scott’s 2021 Astroworld Festival was called a <…>?

Вопрос 21 из 25

I’d rather you <…> to some charity funds to support them

Вопрос 22 из 25

As the two platforms are so <…>, many content creators have reshared videos created on TikTok to VK Video

Вопрос 23 из 25

This year, the sales of CDs are really <…> streaming music services

Вопрос 24 из 25

The Silhouette Challenge dominated <…> TikTok’s February content in 2021

Вопрос 25 из 25

This is the trending slang of 2021 and another way of saying that someone is over the top

0 из 25


Про вас нельзя сказать, что английского вы не знаете. Первые (самые важные) шаги сделаны, пора поднимать планку! Чтобы не откладывать, прямо сейчас запишитесь на бесплатный урок в онлайн-школу Skyeng: на нём вы точнее определите свой уровень языка и поймете, за какое время реально прокачать его до золотой середины — Intermediate.

Оставить заявку, чтобы подтянуть английский до нужного уровня — вы можете здесь


За границей вы легко спросите, где автобусная остановка, а вот обсуждать с иностранцами смысл жизни будет тяжеловато. Хотите в следующем году добиться большего — прямо сейчас запишитесь на бесплатный урок в онлайн-школу Skyeng. Там вы точнее узнаете свой уровень языка и поймете, за какое время реально прокачать его до Advanced.

Оставить заявку, чтобы подтянуть английский до нужного уровня — вы можете здесь


С таким уровнем можно долго жить и думать, что все ок. Но впереди столько новых возможностей: учеба и работа за границей, онлайн-курсы от лучших вузов мира по вашей любимой теме, даже собственный блог на английском! 

Хотите всего этого — прямо сейчас запишитесь на бесплатный урок в онлайн-школу Skyeng. Там вы точнее узнаете свой уровень языка и поймете, за какое время реально прокачать его до Advanced.

Оставить заявку, чтобы подтянуть английский до нужного уровня — вы можете здесь

Upper Intermediate

Некоторым крупным компаниям будет достаточно ваших знаний. Но как насчет вас самих? Впереди столько новых возможностей: учеба и работа за границей, онлайн-курсы от лучших вузов мира по вашей любимой теме, даже собственный ютуб-канал на английском! 

Хотите всего этого — прямо сейчас запишитесь на бесплатный урок в онлайн-школу Skyeng. Там вы точнее узнаете свой уровень и поймете, за какое время реально прокачать язык до Advanced.

Оставить заявку, чтобы подтянуть английский до нужного уровня — вы можете здесь


Наверняка английский уже помог вам стать успешным и востребованным. Но не расслабляйтесь: даже высокий уровень нужно постоянно поддерживать и улучшать. 

Чтобы мы могли подобрать вам преподавателя-носителя, с которым в кайф говорить на английском, запишитесь на бесплатный урок в онлайн-школу Skyeng. Занятия помогут закрыть пробелы в знании языка (если они есть) и подтянуть конкретные навыки — например, навык публичных выступлений на английском.

Оставить заявку, чтобы подтянуть английский до нужного уровня — вы можете здесь

Beginner or Elementary?

  1. Tennis ___ very interesting.

    • am

    • is

    • are

  2. Hi, Carla. ___ are you?

    • Hello

    • What

    • How

  3. ___ a cup of white coffee, please.

    • Do I

    • I‘d like

    • Would I

  4. How ___ are you?

    • do

    • old

    • fine

  5. I ___ in a small flat in the centre of London.

    • live

    • love

    • like

  6. Can you ___ Italian?

    • do speak

    • speaks

    • speak

  7. ___ time is it?

    • How

    • What

    • When

  8. Sometimes they ______ TV in the afternoon.

    • listen

    • look

    • watch

  9. Molly gets ___ at 7 in the morning.

    • up

    • on

    • off

  10. Kevin sometimes writes ___ an email.

    • your

    • my

    • us

  11. ___ a lot of pictures in the book.

    • They are

    • It are

    • There are

  12. When ___ your father born?

    • did

    • was

    • were

  13. Му house is ___ the centre ___ the city.

    • in, of

    • at, of

    • at, in

  14. A ______ looks after people in hospital.

    • interpreter

    • receptionist

    • nurse

  15. My wife likes going ___ walks.

    • to

    • for

    • with

  16. Fred likes ___ photos.

    • took

    • take

    • taking

  17. Are there ___ good cafes in your city?

    • some

    • any

    • no

  18. When and where ______?

    • was you born

    • you was born

    • were you born

  19. Unfortunately, my granny ____ in 1996.

    • die

    • dies

    • died

  20. _____ meat do you eat a day?

    • How many

    • How much

    • How a lot

Если в результате прохождения теста вы набрали менее 15 правильных ответов – ваш уровень владения английским языком – Beginner.

15-18 верных ответов – ваш уровень, определенно, Elementary.

Если же вы ответили правильно на 19-20 вопросов, пройдите следующий тест Elementary or Pre-Intermediate?  Возможно, ваш уровень выше.

Elementary or


  1. ______ people live in this city?

    • How many

    • How much

    • How a lot

  2. Can I have ____ Coke, please?

    • some

    • any

    • no

  3. I think skiing is ____ than ice-skating.

    • dangerous

    • dangerouser

    • more dangerous

  4. I think American music is _____ than British music.

    • good

    • better

    •  the best

  5. Viena is ______ very rich city.

    • a

    • the

  6. London has a ____ of about 7.000.000.

    • people

    • persons

    • population

  7. My parents aren’t here at the moment. They ______ golf.

    • play

    • are playing

    • played

  8. ___ house is bigger than _____ .

    • You, me

    • Your, mine

    • Yours, my

  9. Fred is going to France ____ a year’s time.

    • in

    • at

    • to

  10. Greg isn’t a very _________ driver.

    • careful

    • carefully

    • carelessly

  11. Tom _____ her next autumn.

    • married

    • marry

    • is going to marry

  12. He is a runner and he wants to ______ for the Olympics.

    • take part

    • train

    • win

  13. Does he smoke?

    • No, he does.

    • Yes, do.

    • Yes, he does.

  14. When the Bells ____ away for the weekend, they ____ their sons at home.

    • goed, stayed

    • went, left

    • went, stayed

  15. It’s ____ to put your nose in your ear.

    • possible

    • unpossible

    • impossible

  16. My birthday is ____ 20th November.

    • on

    • at

    • in

  17. Have you got _____time?

    • a few

    • a little

    • little

  18. _____ to live in France when I retire.

    • I would like

    • I like

    • I would rather like

  19. _____ to Peru?

    • Have you go

    • Have you been

    • Were you

  20. You ______forget to take your pills.

    • needn’t

    • mustn’t

    • don’t have to

5-14 верных ответов – ваш уровень Elementary.

15-18 верных ответов – ваш уровень 


Получили более 18 баллов – рекомендую вам пройти следующий тест Pre- Intermediate or Intermediate, быть может ваш уровень выше

Менее 5 верных ответов – попробуйте выполнить тест Beginner or Elementary.

Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate?

  1. As soon as I _____, I’ll ring you.

    • will arrive

    • shall arrive

    • arrive

  2. We drove along the ________.

    • highway

    • movement

    • basement

  3. Please, let me _________ you.

    • help

    • to help

    • helping

  4. He ___ single, but now he is married.

    • used to being

    • would have been

    • used to be

  5. There was ____ food at the party.

    • many

    • much

    • a lot

  6. Cotton _____ by slaves.

    • was picked

    • did pick

    • didn’t picked

  7. We are looking _____ a qualified hairdresser.

    • of

    • through

    • for

  8. We ____ to the party. We’re not sure.

    • might come

    • are coming

    • must come

  9. My daughter never ____ warm clothes.

    • gives up

    • puts on

    • gets on with

  10. Greg _____ in a bank since November.

    • was working

    • worked

    • has been working

  11. He _____ that school is boring.

    • thinks

    • is thinking

    • thought

  12. I haven’t finished my lunch______.

    • just

    • already

    • yet

  13. Local police ____ the bank robber.

    • has arrested

    • have arrested

    • have been arrested

  14. I am going to sit down for a while. I feel _____ tired.

    • many

    • such

    • very

  15. Everyone is looking forward _____ work for the summer.

    • at finishing

    • to finish

    • to finishing

  16. If people can depend on you, you are __

    • talkative

    • reliable

    • optimistic

  17. Please, don’t talk _____ the film.

    • at

    • on

    • during

  18. I spent my holidays in ______ UK.

    • a

    • the

  19. You shouldn’t drink ____ that.

    • as many as

    • as much as

    • as a few as

  20. Dad _______ us a story last night.

    • told

    • spoke

    • asked

5-14 верных ответов на вопросы теста — ваш уровень Pre-Intermediate.

15-18 верных ответов – ваш уровень Intermediate.

Получили более 18 баллов – рекомендуем вам пройти следующий тест Intermediate or Upper -Intermediate, быть может ваш уровень даже выше, чем вы предполагали.

Менее 5 верных ответов – попробуйте выполнить тест Elementary or Pre-Intermediate.

Intermediate or


  1. I ______ half the work up to now.

    • completed

    • have completed

    • have been completing

  2. Those clothes _____ great on you!

    • looks

    • look

    • are looking

  3. A person who treats their guests well is ____.

    • reserved

    • tolerant

    • hospitable

  4. Му car ______ when I was on holiday.

    • damaged

    • was damaged

    • had damaged

  5. If you had much money, what _____?

    • will you do

    • do you do

    • would you do

  6. The restaurant serves ___ food in town.

    • the best

    • good

    • better than all

  7. You _______smoke here.

    • needn’t

    • oughtn’t

    • are not allowed to

  8. Molly wants ______ to your sister.

    • to speak

    • speaking

    • talking

  9. The plane arrives ____ the airport at 6.

    • to

    • at

    • in

  10. We ___________ not eat this meal.

    • would rather

    • would better

    • had better

  11. I won’t _____ any rudeness from the children.

    • take off

    • put up with

    • take over

  12. _____ silly thing to say!

    • What a

    • So a

    • Such

  13. I took back the broken TV and asked the shop _____ my money.

    • to insult

    • to transport

    • to refund

  14. Can I borrow a tie?__color will be OK.

    • Some

    • Any

    • No

  15. The children can speak two languages. They are ____.

    • bilingual

    • two langular

    • twice speakable

  16. I’m driving. So I’ll just have ___ .

    • half glass of wine

    • half a glass of wine

    • a half of wine-glass

  17. None of my children look like me. They all _____ the father.

    • put after

    • lookеd after

    • took after

  18. We ____ of buying a new house, but we haven’t decided where. 

    • have thought

    • have been thinking

    • thought

  19. I was so hurt when he said I was ___.

    • bored

    • boredom

    • boring

  20. They always forget ___ the flowers.

    • watering

    • to water

    • to have watered

5-14 правильных ответов — ваш уровень Intermediate.

15- 18 баллов — ваш уровень Upper-Intermediate.

Если вы набрали более 18 баллов — возможно, ваш уровень выше. Рекомендуем вам пройти следующий тест Upper-Intermediate or Advanced?

Результат менее 5 баллов — пройдите тест PreIntermediate or Intermediate?

Upper-Intermediate or Advanced?

  1. You can’t stop people ___ what they want.

    • do

    • to do

    • doing

  2. They lied so ____ that many people were taken in.

    • distinctly

    • convincingly

    • sincerely

  3. I can’t come to the party because I ____ work on Friday nights.

    • have to

    • have got to

    • manage to

  4. I was embarrassed when I ___ forgot her name.

    • absolutely

    • fully

    • completely

  5. Greg must be out of the office. I’ve phoned four times, but I can’t ______.

    • get through

    • get over

    • get to

  6. I find reading very _______.

    • relaxed

    • relaxive

    • relaxing

  7. This is Greg, the boy___ I was telling you about.

    • who

    • whom

  8. I wonder where _______.

    • is the manager’s office

    • the manager’s office is

    • is the manager of the office

  9. I earn a good salary. My income is higher than my _____.

    • outcome

    • profit

    • expenditure

  10. The teenager next door will tease my dog. I wish he _____.

    • won’t

    • didn’t

    • wouldn’t

  11. I love to _____ with my friend. It’s sometimes fun to talk about other people.

    • gossip

    • chat

    • have a talkwith

  12. The director hints _____ a big pay rise.

    • at

    • on

    • into

  13. She is difficult to work for — ____ and unpredictable.

    • courteous

    • earnest

    • overbearing

  14. Takeit ______, Fred!

    • easy

    • easily

    • atease

  15. Mike took advantage ______ the parents.

    • in

    • of

    • at

  16. Come on! It’s time_____!

    • us go

    • wewent

    • thatwemustgo

  17. If I ____ better at school, I ____  a chance to enter this University now.

    • studied, wouldhave

    • had studied, would have had

    • had studied, would have

  18. Little ___ that he would leave her one day.

    • did Molly realize

    • she realized

    • Molly was realizing

  19.  I ______ to wearing contact lenses.

    • used

    • am getting used

    • would get used

  20. This college is ______ recomended.

    • high

    • highly

    • such a

Если по результатам теста вы набрали 5-15 баллов — ваш уровень Upper-Intermediate.

Более 15 баллов – Аdvanced.

При наборе менее 5 баллов советую пройти тест Intermediate or Upper- Intermediate, возможно, вы немного переоценили свой уровень. 

Уровни владения английским языком

 На сегодняшний день существует два варианта определения уровня владения английским языком.

  • Первый был разработан лингвистами British Council и касается только английского.

  • Второй был выработан в рамках проекта «Изучение языков для европейского гражданства», инициированного Советом Европы, и одинаков для определения уровня владения любым из европейских языков.

 Согласно рекомендациям British Council, принято выделять следующие уровни владения английским языком:

Beginner/ starter level.

Начальный уровень.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что человек либо ранее не изучал язык и знаком только с небольшим количеством слов и базовых фраз, либо изучал язык на очень невысоком уровне.

Говорение: очень маленький словарный запас, возможность отвечать только на самые простые вопросы касательно личности (имя, возраст). Сложности в построении полных предложений, возможность отвечать только односложно.

Понимание речи: понимание самых простых вопросов и предложений.

Навыки чтения: весьма слабые или отсутствуют.

Навыки письма: отсутствуют


Элементарный уровень.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете эффективно использовать простую лексику, поддержать беседу на обыденные повседневные темы.

Говорение: возможность задавать простые вопросы и отвечать на них, возможность поддержания беседы по знакомой теме.

Понимание речи: возможность уловить основной смысл несложного высказывания.

Навыки чтения: возможность читать и понимать несложные тексты по общей тематике.

Навыки письма: умение корректно составлять небольшие предложения по знакомой теме.


Уровень чуть ниже среднего.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете вполне комфортно чувствовать себя, используя язык в ситуации повседневного общения.

Говорение: возможность четко оперировать лексикой в основных языковых ситуациях, выразить свои чувства и отношение к происходящему.

Понимание речи: умение понимать значение повседневных высказываний.

Навыки чтения: умение читать и переводить несложные тексты общей тематики.

Навыки письма: возможность правильно описать человека, место или случившееся событие, а также свое отношение к ним.


Средний уровень.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете полностью понять информацию по знакомой теме, поддержать несложную беседу, описать свои эмоции и ощущения.

Говорение: умение корректно высказывать свою точку зрения и узнавать мнение собеседника, произношение слов понятно носителям языка.

Понимание речи: полное понимание содержания несложных высказываний, возможность уловить основной смысл сложных высказываний по незнакомой теме.

Навыки чтения: хорошее понимание текстов любой тематики.

Навыки письма: умение заполнять анкеты, резюме, возможность писать письма, рассказывать на письме о произошедших событиях. Грамотное владение несложными грамматическими феноменами.


Уровень выше среднего.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете уловить основную мысль устного высказывания на отвлеченные темы, свободно общаться на темы повседневные, аргументировать свою позицию.

Говорение: умение правильно выражаться в официальной обстановке, возможность поддержать беседу на любую тему, появляется осознание собственных речевых ошибок, исправление их по ходу речи.

Понимание речи: полное понимание звучащей речи, а также отношения говорящего, возможность уловить тонкую иронию, юмор и т.д. Уверенная беседа по телефону.

Навыки чтения: неплохое понимание газетных статей даже по специфической тематике.

Навыки письма: умение писать письма, отзывы, отчеты, инструкции. Уверенное владение грамматическими и синтаксическими конструкциями.


Продвинутый уровень.

Владение данным уровнем означает, что вы можете без труда составить спонтанное высказывание, говорить бегло, все понимать и не испытывать никаких трудностей в общении с носителями языка даже если речь идет об узких профессиональных темах.

Говорение: умение бегло выражать свои мысли по любой теме и в любой обстановке – в том числе и официальной. Оперирование фразовыми глаголами и идиоматическими выражениями. Умение воспользоваться инверсией для логического выделения информации в предложении.

Понимание речи: абсолютное понимание звучащей речи.

Навыки чтения: в текстах любой сложности есть малый процент незнакомых слов, ясен смысл любого прочитанного текста

Навыки письма: возможность писать тексты специфической тематики, дискурсивные эссе, обзоры.

Уровень владения английским

по шкале Совета Европы.

Уровень А. Элементарное владение.

A1 Уровень выживания

Понимание знакомых слов, возможность задавать простые вопросы, умение рассказать о себе               

A2 Предсредний уровень

Умение разговаривать на базовые темы, поддерживать повседневную беседу

Уровень B. Достаточное владение.

B1 Средний уровень.

Умение выражать мысли в большинстве бытовых ситуаций, описывать свои интересы и случившиеся события

B2 Средний продвинутый уровень.

Понимание сложных текстов, способность общаться на отвлеченные темы, умение аргументировано отстаивать свою позицию в речи.

Уровень С. Свободное владение.

C1 Профессиональное владение

Уверенное владение языком во всех сферах общения, в том числе и профессиональных.

C2 Совершенное владение

Полное понимание информации на иностранном языке, умение бегло говорить на любые темы, составлять сложные письменные высказывания.

Две системы определения уровней соотносятся

следующим образом:

Система, разработанная British Council


Совета Европы














Beginner or Elementary?

  1. is

  2. How

  3. I‘d like

  4. old

  5. live

  6. speak

  7. What

  8. watch

  9. up

  10. us

  11. There are

  12. was

  13. in, of

  14. nurse

  15. for

  16. taking

  17. any

  18. were you born

  19. died

  20. How much

Elementary or Pre-Intermediate?

  1. How many

  2. some

  3. more dangerous

  4. better

  5. a

  6. population

  7. are playing

  8. Your, mine

  9. in

  10. careful

  11. is going to marry

  12. train

  13. Yes, he does.

  14. went, left

  15. impossible

  16. on

  17. a little

  18. I would like

  19. Have you been

  20. mustn’t

Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate?

  1. arrive

  2. highway

  3. help

  4. used to be

  5. much

  6. was picked

  7. for

  8. might come

  9. puts on

  10. has been working

  11. thinks

  12. yet

  13. have arrested

  14. very

  15. to finishing

  16. reliable

  17. during

  18. the

  19. as much as

  20. told

Intermediate or Upper-Intermediate.

  1. have completed

  2. look

  3. hospitable

  4. was damaged

  5. would you do

  6. the best

  7. are not allowed to

  8. to speak

  9. at

  10. had better

  11. put up with

  12. What a

  13. to refund

  14. Any

  15. bilingual

  16. half a glass of wine

  17. took after

  18. have been thinking

  19. boring

  20. to water

Upper-Intermediate or Advanced?

  1. doing

  2. convincingly

  3. have to

  4. completely

  5. get through

  6. relaxing

  7. the manager’s office is

  8. expenditure

  9. wouldn’t

  10. gossip

  11. at

  12. overbearing

  13. easy

  14. of

  15. we went

  16. had studied, would have

  17. did Molly realize

  18. am getting used

  19. highly

На чтение 17 мин. Просмотров 18

Тест на определение уровня языка с ключами
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Placement test and keys


Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________

Underline the answer which best answers the question or fits the space.

0 Where are you from?
A I’m France. B I’m from France. C French. D I’m French.

1 How old are you?
A I have 16. B I am 16. C I have 16 years. D I am 16 years.

2 Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice. B Yes, I’m having it. C Yes, I am. D Yes, it is.

3 Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there. B I don’t know. C Help yourself. D Here you are.

4 Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on B in C by D with

5 Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted B said C made D talked

6 Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment. B It’s David Parker. C I’ll call you back. D Speaking.

7 They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry B hot C lazy D tired

8 Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road B way C direction D street

9 __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have B Do C Should D Did

A yet B still C already D even

11 You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some B a food C many D anything

12 What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea! B Twice a month. C It’s Star Wars. D I think so.

A that B as C for D had

14 __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few B Little C Least D A little

15 It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure B certain C safe D problem

16 __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17 I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see B look C try D tell

18 What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from B with C for D between

20 Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21 I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when B for C during D since

22 Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that B what C which D why

23 I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24 Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart B unless C however D except

25 Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having B laughing C making D joking

26 Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left B missing C put D staying

27 Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right B as far as C along D heading north

28 I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result B way C conclusion D solution

29 Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30 In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under B against C over D beyond

31 Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32 Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33 When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34 The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35 Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow B permit C accept D let

36 If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t B didn’t C hadn’t D haven’t

37 I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense B manner C way D impression

38 These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical B functional C realistic D active

39 __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several B Much C Enough D Sufficient

40 We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote B applied C enquired D requested

41 The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched B struck C rubbed D scraped

42 Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had B have C having D has

43 Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though B however C despite D as

44 ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
A by B with C for D on

45 You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would B had C should D did

46 This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected B required C obliged D supposed

47 Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent B avoid C refuse D forbid

48 When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on B takes up C sets out D brings about

49 __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A At the time B Eventually C Once D Finally

50 Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t B mustn’t C wouldn’t D needn’t

51 __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However B What C Whatever D No matter

52 Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see B deal C ensure D get

53 A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm B heated C hot D boiling

54 I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular B individual C single D one

55 The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly B deeply C great D heavily

56 He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true B good C right D honest

57 There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation B attention C broadcasting D coverage

58 If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick B steer C stop D stand

60 Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems B leads C starts D flows


Тест на определение уровня языка
тест по английскому языку по теме


Предварительный просмотр:

Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________

Underline the answer which best answers the question or fits the space.

0 Where are you from?
A I’m France. B I’m from France. C French. D I’m French.

1 How old are you?
A I have 16. B I am 16. C I have 16 years. D I am 16 years.

2 Are you having a nice time?
A Yes, I’m nice. B Yes, I’m having it. C Yes, I am. D Yes, it is.

3 Could you pass the salt please?
A Over there. B I don’t know. C Help yourself. D Here you are.

4 Yesterday I went __________ bus to the National Museum.
A on B in C by D with

5 Sue and Mike __________ to go camping.
A wanted B said C made D talked

6 Who’s calling, please?
A Just a moment. B It’s David Parker. C I’ll call you back. D Speaking.

7 They were __________ after the long journey, so they went to bed.
A hungry B hot C lazy D tired

8 Can you tell me the __________ to the bus station?
A road B way C direction D street

9 __________ you remember to buy some milk?
A Have B Do C Should D Did

A yet B still C already D even

11 You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

A some B a food C many D anything

12 What about going to the cinema?
A Good idea! B Twice a month. C It’s Star Wars. D I think so.

A that B as C for D had

14 __________ people know the answer to that question.
A Few B Little C Least D A little

15 It’s not __________ to walk home by yourself in the dark.
A sure B certain C safe D problem

16 __________ sure all the windows are locked.
A Take B Have C Wait D Make

17 I’ll go and __________ if I can find him.
A see B look C try D tell

18 What’s the difference __________ football and rugby?
A from B with C for D between

20 Tim was too __________ to ask Monika for a dance.
A worried B shy C selfish D polite

21 I haven’t had so much fun __________ I was a young boy!
A when B for C during D since

22 Sorry, I don’t know __________ you’re talking about.
A that B what C which D why

23 I’m afraid you __________ smoke in here.
A could not B don’t have to C are not allowed to D can’t be

24 Everyone wanted to go out __________ John.
A apart B unless C however D except

25 Honestly! I saw a ghost! I’m not __________ it up!
A having B laughing C making D joking

26 Eat everything up! I don’t want to see anything __________ on your plate!
A left B missing C put D staying

27 Take the A20 __________ the roundabout, then turn left.
A right B as far as C along D heading north

28 I really hope you can find a __________ to this problem.
A result B way C conclusion D solution

29 Could you watch my bag while I go and get a cup of tea?
A Of course! B Never mind. C If you don’t mind. D It doesn’t matter.

30 In my country, it is __________ the law to watch an X-rated film if you are under eighteen.
A under B against C over D beyond

31 Rebecca had to __________ the invitation, as she was busy studying for her exams.
A take off B put back C turn down D get away

32 Police __________ that a terrorist group might be behind the kidnapping.
A suppose B fancy C suspect D accuse

33 When Christopher smiles, he __________ me of his grandfather.
A remembers B recalls C rethinks D reminds

34 The wonderful smell of freshly __________ coffee hit us as we entered the store.
A crushed B smashed C ground D pressed

35 Mike’s dad wouldn’t __________ him go to school with a red streak in his hair.
A allow B permit C accept D let

36 If only I __________ made that phone call!
A wasn’t B didn’t C hadn’t D haven’t

37 I like Mary for her friendly smile and her __________ of humour.
A sense B manner C way D impression

38 These shoes are very __________ for walking in the mountains.
A practical B functional C realistic D active

39 __________ of the credit for our success has to go to the Chairman, Peter Lewis.
A Several B Much C Enough D Sufficient

40 We were surprised that over 500 people __________ for the job.
A wrote B applied C enquired D requested

41 The children watched in excitement as she __________ a match and lit the candles.
A scratched B struck C rubbed D scraped

42 Sorry about Kate’s strange behaviour, but she’s just not used to __________ lots of people around her.
A had B have C having D has

43 Ivan kept running very hard __________ none of the other runners could possibly catch him.
A even though B however C despite D as

44 ‘I did this painting all __________ my own, Dad,’ said Milly.
A by B with C for D on

45 You __________ better check all the details are correct before we send it off.
A would B had C should D did

46 This game is __________ to be for five year-olds, but I think a two year-old could do it!
A expected B required C obliged D supposed

47 Just put this powder down, and it should __________ any more ants from getting in.
A prevent B avoid C refuse D forbid

48 When Jonie __________ to do something, you can be sure she’ll do it, and do it well.
A gets on B takes up C sets out D brings about

49 __________ we get to the top of this hill, the path gets much easier.
A At the time B Eventually C Once D Finally

50 Fifty-seven? No, that __________ be the right answer!
A can’t B mustn’t C wouldn’t D needn’t

51 __________ happens, I’ll always be there for you!
A However B What C Whatever D No matter

52 Can you __________ to it that no one uses this entrance?
A see B deal C ensure D get

53 A __________ debate ensued, with neither side prepared to give way to the other.
A warm B heated C hot D boiling

54 I’ve drunk milk every __________ day of my life, and it’s never done me any harm!
A particular B individual C single D one

55 The version of the film I saw had been __________ censored.
A strongly B deeply C great D heavily

56 He promised to phone me at nine o’clock exactly, and he was as __________ as his word.
A true B good C right D honest

57 There has been so much media __________ of the wedding that I’m completely fed up with it.
A circulation B attention C broadcasting D coverage

58 If I were you I would __________ clear of the area around the station late at night.
A stick B steer C stop D stand

60 Joe’s fear of enclosed spaces __________ from a bad experience he had when he was a child.
A stems B leads C starts D flows



Тест на определение уровня

Тест на знание английского языка

2. I’m going shopping. We don’t have ___ bread.

3. Can you cook spaghetti bolognese? No, I can’t. But I ___ to cook it. Can you teach me?

would like learning

would like to learn

6. Mosquitoes are ___ sharks.

more dangerous than

more dangerous then

8. I saw her in town yesterday. She ____ Christmas presents.

10. ___ madly in love?

Have you ever been

11. ___ on a sunny morning makes me feel happy.

12. If ____ tomorrow, we ____ home.

it will rain, will stay

it rains, will stay

13. What’s the most exciting place ___?

you’ve ever been to

have you ever been to

14. Unlike most kids, I ___ like ice-cream in my childhood.

15. We ___ wear a uniform at this school.

16. I didn’t recognize my friend because she ___ her hair color.

17. “Do you want a drink?” He asked her ___ a drink.

have you been doing

19. They ___ a really good time on holiday.

20. I like him. He makes me ___.

21. Have you ever been ___ by a birthday present?

22. I have to walk everywhere because my bike ___.

23. If I had known about the meeting, I ___.

24. The streets are wet. It ___.

must have been raining

25. He’s too old to paint the house himself, so he ___.

is painted his house

is having his house painted

is having painted his house

has painted his house

26. Mike ___ me he had finished his homework.

27. I’ll never forget ___ her for the first time.

28. I took a language course __ my speaking skills.

29. She’s still getting ___ contact lenses.

30. Do you know ___ at Ashton?

does this train stop

if does this train stop

if this train stops

31. Are you looking ___ to your holiday?

32. My friend’s birthday is ___5th September.

33. Could you give me a 20% ___ on this bag? It has a dirty mark on it.

34. This educational program will ___ young people all over the country.

35. She’s so ___. Her feelings are easily hurt.

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